White Hill Farms Strawberries & Produce is located at 5020 South Plank Rd. Cameron, NC 28326. We are a Pick Your Own Strawberry Field in the springtime that continues into a year-round business. We grow a wide variety of produce which includes Asparagus, Strawberries, Spring Onions, Lettuce & Greens, Squash, Cucumbers, Okra, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Watermelon, Cantaloupes, and Pumpkins. Along with all of our seasonal produce we also carry other items such as Canned Goods, Local Beef, Country Ham, Honey, Coastal Bermuda Hay, Deer Corn and Ice Cream! The Produce Stand’s updated hours are listed on our website, but you can also find us seasonally at The Sanford Farmers Market and The Sandhills Farmers Market. We also participate in Sandhills Farm to Table in their weekly CSA boxes. We take great pride in providing fresh fruits and vegetables from our fields to your table!