Golf Tips with Nick Bradley

Episode 1

In an exclusive series with the Home of American Golf, world-renowned golf instructor Nick Bradley is providing valuable golf tips for you to improve your enjoyment of the game.

Nick recently moved to the Pinehurst, NC area and has been named the director of instruction at Traditions Golf Academy, the No. 1 elite juniors golf school in the United States, located at the prestigious Forest Creek Golf Club.

In this golf tip, Nick provides three key and positive swing thoughts for when golfers are faced with a difficult shot which may combine considerations for water, wind, elevation change and others that will influence the golf swing and how a player approaches executing a solid and successful play.

There are three key elements to executing this shot well: 1) Complete the Backswing. Many times, amateur golfers get anxious and shorten the swing which can lead to bad timing and a poor shot. Remember to complete the backswing. 2) Make a Strong Move to Your Left Side. Making sure you shift your weight from one side to the other in the golf swing is critical. 3) Hold Your Finish. Make sure you get through your shot, hold your spine angle and this will keep you from “coming out” of your shot.

Don’t try to make sure you do all of these at once, just pick one, work on it and when you are faced with a challenging shot with a variety of factors than can influence the outcome, you will see much better results and feel more confident with similar shots in the future!

For more of Nick Bradley’s Golf Tips, click here.